Some features of SnapPlus V3 are still under construction. As these features are completed, they will become available on Below you will find the list of features under construction organized based on the main page titles of SnapPlus V3.
You can find a list of recent updates and fixes to SnapPlus V3 on our Changes page.
- Archive a read-only version of a submitted plan
- Merge/split farm
- Share fields with manure spreading agreements between plans
- Maps:
- Import/export shapefiles. Note: spatial features such as field boundaries, wells, etc. that are present in V2 databases are currently transferred V3 as part of the conversion process.
- Export map as PDF
- Filter map by field attribute
- Feature classes for Silurian bedrock verification points
- Zoom to Public Land Survey System (PLSS) designation (range, township, section)
- Degree day adjustment for fields in the growing degree day transition area
- Grazing tab: Ability to build herds, create grazing schedules, and assign herds to fields/pastures.
- Assigning dollar values to manure nutrients
- High ammonium manure injection nutrient calculator
- Biosolids nutrients calculators
- Organic waste nutrient calculators
- Lime applications: Tab for seeing lime recommendations and for keeping track of lime applications for all fields on the farm
- Winter manure plan tab
- Ability to download reports in spreadsheet format
- CAFO reports
- P Trade and Sediment Trade reports
- Soil conservation, water quality, and sustainability project reports
- Replacement for Easy Group Builder (customizable spreadsheet creation)
- Data dump report
- New farm narrative templates for both 590 farms and CAFOs
- Ability to run a package of reports and export as zip file
¶ Records and Updates
- Data entry for soil nitrate and plant tissue test results
- "What-if" scenario builder to compare management options
- Desktop version of SnapPlus V3 (likely for Windows computers to start)
- Batch processing
- Manure application import from SMART mobile application